Production : 2016

What I did

• Mobile app UX/UI • Website UX/UI • Branding & Art direction • Back office UX


A brand new mobile app designed to make augmented reality part of your daily life. How to create an user friendly experience while being more powerful than its competitors?

Mobile app

Following constraints from Human Interface and Material Design guidelines developers were familiar with, I had to improve user experience of both IOS and Android applications.

I focused on two things to give a similar experience for both IOS/Android users while keeping learning friction low.

Firstly, a lot of actions are available in the app. We needed to sort them out.

Prioritizing actions gives us the possibility to order their display accordingly. Core experience now revolves around one big contextual button always present on screen. Secondary actions are stored in a drawer menu (Android) or a dock menu (IOS) to feel natural for users of both platforms.

Secondly, users needed to be taught the basic principles of the app.

Making a progressive tutorial was not possible due to limited resources and time so we decided to work on a more classic "slides introduction" focusing only on the core experience of the app. Keeping those slide to a minimum was crucial in order not to bore new users that just want to jump in.


Bear website needed to convince as a reliable augmented reality solution as well as proving easy to handle for everybody.

We put effort into writing use cases of previous projects. People can also try AR examples directly on the website by downloading the app.

Also, we really wanted to give to Augmented reality a fresh new look, trying to stand out from other similar products.

Website identity adopt a clean corporate look while showing signs of proximity with users thanks to clean friendly illustrations.

Also, we shot several video exemples that plays in the header of the website. Cannot make things clearer.


Different exemples of art direction and product designs.

Back office

First time users of Bear AR solutions needed a lot guidance to be able to use the AR management platform.

I focused on delivering an exhaustive review of all the blocking points for new users as well as suggesting solutions to counter frictions and deliver a more guiding and tolerant experience.

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